What We’re Up To . . .


We are busy bees, here’s a little taster to let you know what’s coming up and how to get involved.

At home adventures - Elaine is busy responding to the social distancing policy and has designed and delivered several make-at-home projects with ArtsEkta in Belfast and the Island Arts Centre in Lisburn.  These workshops were focused around improving Mental Health and Wellbeing and contained Curriculum based activities for children to have fun with at home. Materials used were all easily sourced from household recycling #LoveMotherEarth.

Stendhal Festival -  This year we celebrate our first decade of Anann’s Arch, at Stendhal Festival 2020.  The original birthplace of Anann’s Arch!  The 10 years have flown by, completing Artist residencies, several living sculptures and planting hundreds of trees - which we use each year to make more Art! #LoveMotherEarth  This all makes Anann’s Arch one of the most popular areas at the festival.  We have hosted many workshops; created a Faerie Village and Story Trail, had live Art shows, Conceptual Art works and fire lighting Ceremonies all focused around Irish Mythology themes. Step under the Arches to arrive in another world!